What is EWOT


EWOT is an acronym for Exercise With Oxygen Therapy. It was invented by Manfred Von Ardenne, (1907-1997) physicist, researcher and inventor, a state award winner of the USSR, and a national award winner of the GDR. In Germany, Dr. von Ardenne’s homeland, EWOT has been, and continues to be, practiced (since the 1970s) in mainstream medicine, where it is also known as Multistep Oxygen Therapy.

EWOT is viewed as a medical therapy in Germany; however it is not approved as a medical therapy in Canada, the USA or Australia. As such, no prescription is required, and access to the equipment for EWOT is easy in most countries. However, this also means that no claims can be made about the effects of EWOT for specific illnesses or dis-eases even though EWOT is routinely used to treat various illnesses in Germany.

EWOT uses some equipment and some protocols (methods) to deliver the beneficial effects of exercising with oxygen. At a very basic level, bottled medical oxygen can be used and just waved under the mouth and nose while doing some form of activity. This will result in a very small increase in the oxygen percentage you are breathing, but perhaps not enough to make any significant changes to your physiology. Most companies who claim to sell EWOT equipment use methods and systems not a lot better than this!

A better method is to build on Dr, Von Ardenne’s Multistep Oxygen Therapy protocols and massively increase the amount of oxygen available to you, with specifically design exercise protocols design at an individual level.

To do this EWOT Australia uses a large bag to store pure oxygen that has been generated by an oxygen concentrator of a specific standard. The oxygen concentrators used have a high capacity and the ability to recycle the “waste” air (low oxygen air) to create greater flexibility with delivery protocols. The bag itself ensures there is more than enough oxygen to last your entire 15 minute workout (the same cannot be said to be true for any other system). Additionally the mask used and the air flow hoses used ensure that even the fittest athletes can breath as much as they need to without restriction.

EWOT Australia delivers two main styles of EWOT – EWOT Energy Plus (which delivers contrast training between high oxygen air and low oxygen air) and EWOT Energy (the standard therapeutical delivery system).

There are many benefits of EWOT – you will find everything you need to know on these pages – but the real proof is when you try EWOT, even just once! We won’t need to convince you!

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EWOT and Anti Aging


EWOT is an acronym for Exercise With Oxygen Therapy. EWOT is safe, effective, and easy to do. It can significantly alter cellular oxygenation, thereby helping you to feel, and look, years younger.

EWOT has been shown to combat the negative impacts of aging and, theoretically at least, to help people live longer. Life events such as travel, stress, both physical and emotional, and of course, aging, all reduce the amount of oxygen that is being delivered to the tissues of our body. As we age, our capacity to utilize oxygen decreases by 1% per year after the age of around 25. The EWOT process can restore the proper functioning of the oxygen transfer mechanism that becomes damaged with age.

How does EWOT do this?

This is a little scientific but I’ll try to keep it simple! There is about 21% oxygen in the air. Atmospheric pressure at sea level is around 760 mm and the partial pressure of oxygen entering the body’s lungs is known to be about 150 mm. However, oxygen in the lungs is diluted considerably with carbon dioxide, reducing the actual pressure to more like 100-110 mm. This pressure drives the oxygen from the lungs into the blood and via the arteries to the capillaries in the extremities of the body. The capillaries then release some of the oxygen to support individual cells.

With additional oxygen (over and above that of normal air) the oxygen pressure inside the lungs is increased, forcing more oxygen from the lungs into the blood. This increases arterial pressure. There is a limit to how much oxygen the haemoglobin will carry, but “mass action” (by sheer volume of oxygen in the lungs) dictates that plasma will absorb extra oxygen (where haemoglobin is saturated) and a lot of that extra oxygen will get into the tissues.

With EWOT you are exercising as well. This exercise increases the circulation, creating a greater pressure to drive oxygen into the capillaries. The increase in quantity via mass action and arterial pressure adds to the transfer mechanism of oxygen from the air to blood and plasma, and then to cells in the tissues. This creates a high level of extra oxygen being delivered to the cells.

When we age the capacity for the lungs to transfer oxygen to the blood, and of the blood to deliver oxygen to the cells diminishes. Additionally the capillary walls become swollen (inflamed) as well as less elastic. This decreases the flow of blood to cells, and thereby decreases the amount of oxygen getting to the cells,

EWOT has been shown to reduce the swelling in the cells of the capillary walls, thereby improving blood and oxygen delivery to the tissues. It also improves the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the blood and then from the blood to the cells.

Basically, the body’s ability to transfer oxygen from the lungs to the cells is perhaps the most significant factor in whether you live a healthy life or not. Because this transfer mechanism becomes damaged with age, we then become more susceptible to illness, our cells are not energised adequately, and we begin to feel the effects of aging.

However, EWOT aids the body in repairing this vital mechanism, helping to give you back your youthful vigour.

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EWOT Equipment Paul Britcher EWOT Equipment Paul Britcher

Oxygen Concentrators


Oxygen concentrators are machines that take in the air from the surroundings, and concentrates the oxygen from the air. Since air consists of about eighty percent nitrogen and about twenty percent oxygen, O2 concentrators operate by removing the nitrogen from the air, just leaving the oxygen. They make use of a substance called Zeolite to absorb the nitrogen. At high pressure, the zeolite can absorb large amounts of nitrogen, due to the large and porous surface area. Oxygen concentrators are therefore essentially nitrogen scrubbers, allowing oxygen and the other atmospheric gasses to pass through, leaving oxygen as the major gas remaining. The oxygen, that is now ninety five percent pure, will then be supplied to the large reservoir bag in the EWOT Asutralia system.

As soon as the oxygen, and the other free components, are collected in the reservoir bag the pressure drops, enabling the nitrogen to dissipate. With EWOT Energy Plus, some of this “de-oxygenated” air is held in a smaller reservoir to be used in the “contrast training” element of the EWOT Australia protocol.

Generally speaking, oxygen concentrators are widely-used in water treatment, pharmaceutical production and also as a source of pure oxygen in medical applications. Oxygen concentrators are devices that also supply oxygen to people at substantially higher concentrations than the typical oxygen level obtainable in the ambient air. This means that they may also be used to raise the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream, which can then be converted into energy. Individuals who have inadequate blood circulation and regularly run out of breath may also reap the benefits of supplemental oxygen therapy. EWOT also utilizes the oxygen concentrator to supply high oxygen and low oxygen contrasts to athletes and people looking tom improve their well-being.

There a wide range of models on the market, including the EWOT Australia Oxygen Concentrator. For the application of EWOT and successful and meaningful Exercise With Oxygen Therapy, the oxygen concentrator must meet specific output standards. Lesser EWOT systems only deliver a very small amount of oxygen that is not enough to make as great an impact as the EWOT Australia system. Some don’t use a suitable system to deliver the oxygen, such as the nasal cannulas or the headset style delivery systems, where the oxygen simply dissipates into the atmosphere. For athletes and people who are serious about getting the full benefits of EWOT, a mask especially designed with the two way valve systems for high volumes of oxygen exchange, are absolutely essential.

Oxygen Concentrators are considered safe mediums for oxygen production, reducing much of the fire risk of medical oxygen bottles. They are relatively cheap and can be used in the home, gym or clinic setting. EWOT Australia provides full instructions for the use of their systems and professionals who choose to employ EWOT in their gym or clinic can also avail themselves of additional training in protocols delivery and variations.

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